Carrie Radomski has been a radical life-extension advocate and cryonicist for over 10 years. As the president of The Lifespan Society of BC, she has fought legally for the rights of cryonicists living in BC, Canada. She is a full member of both Alcor Life Extension Foundation and Cryonics Institute and she is an angel investor in Tomorrow Biostasis. Her goal is to improve cryonics outcomes for all providers worldwide and foster a supportive cryonics community. Within The Futurist Club, Carrie is building a rapid cryonics Standby, Stabilization and Transport (SST) organization. Carrie is a board member at Biomedical Research & Longevity Society (Florida), Life Extension Society (Florida) and Biostasis Technology Inc (NYC). She is the corporate secretary at The Foresight Institute (San Francisco). Carrie has worked in a variety of industries over the years including in early Bitcoin mining, geology/mineral exploration, non-profit management, visual arts/illustration and in satellite analytics for mining applications. Her main focus now is on fostering community at The Futurist Club.