Preserving Life


Natasha Vita-More

Natasha Vita-More

Executive Director at Humanity+

Natasha Vita-More was born in Bronxville, New York. For thirty years, she has been a leader in the science and technology of life extension and humanity’s future. She is a professor of ethics and holds a Doctorate from the University of Plymouth, a MPhil in the School of Communications and Media Studies; an MSc in Foresight & Future Studies. Called an “early adapter of revolutionary changes” (Wired magazine, 2000) and a “role model for superlongevity” (Village Voice, 2001), her seminal theories about super Olympics, regenerative generation, ageless thinking, and future whole-body prototypes, have received international acclaim

Natasha is a proponent human rights, morphological freedom, and ethical means for human enhancement. Her writings have been published in Rejuvenation Research Journal, Artifact, Technoetic Arts, Nanotechnology Perceptions, Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology, Death and Anti-Death. She had a bi-monthly column in Nanotechnology Now, has been a Guest Editor of The Global Spiral academic journal and on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Green Nanotechnology. Natasha is co-editor of The Transhumanist Reader: Classical and Contemporary Look at Philosophy and Technology (2012) Wiley-Blackwell. Natasha authored Create / Recreate: the 3rd Millennial Culture on the emerging cybernetic culture and the future of humanism and the arts and sciences. She co-authored One on One Fitness, a guide to nutrition and aerobic and anaerobic exercise for women. Currently she is writing a chapter for Oxford Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution (Oxford University Press).